
The function of Alkaline Cleaner/Degreaser ALK 500


In metal processing such as metal cutting, heat treatment, and others, we often encounter seemingly trivial problems that can result in defective products.

One of our customers, for instance, had an issue with a part that had undergone heat treatment and had a very disturbing stain due to the quenching oil that had adhered to the metal surface.

dirty metal, degreaser, alkaline cleaner
part yang kotor (dirty parts)

To clean dirty parts, degreasers, alkaline cleaners, and the metal itself are commonly used, which are referred to as "dirty parts." However, as seen in the above picture, regular degreasers are not effective in cleaning the dirt. In fact, they tend to leave stains on the metal surface.

In the picture below, we can see the rusty and dirty conditions of the washing chamber.

dirty chamber
Dirty Chamber, Rusty Parts

We recommend using Vlot Chemicalien ALK 500 as a water-based alkaline cleaner and degreaser for the best cleaning results. After using this product, the washing chamber gradually becomes cleaner, as seen in the picture below:

degreaser in cleaning process
During usage, cleaning process

Initially, the metal turns whitish due to the rust that adheres after being ion processed. However, after the rust is removed, the original color of the metal can be restored and will not rust again.

before & after treatment using degreaser ALK 500

In the above picture, we can see that the oil and grease stains on the spare parts holding bracket become very clean, without any rust, and return to their original color.

For the best cleaning results, we recommend using Vlot Chemicalien Water-based Degreaser/Alkaline Cleaner – ALK 500.

If you need further information, please contact our marketing team at +62 21-75877088 or email us at enquiry@lancarejo.com.

Bahasa Indonesia

Fungsi Alkaline Cleaner/Degreaser ALK 500

Pada suatu proses pengolahan logam (pemotongan logam, heat treatment, dan lain-lain) sering kali kita menghadapi permasalahan yang sepertinya sepele namun bisa mengakibatkan NG.

Seperti pada halnya pada salah satu customer kami, part yang telah melalui proses heat treatment, terdapat noda yang sangat mengganggu karena sifat dari quenching oil yang melekat pada permukaan logam.

dirty metal, degreaser, alkaline cleaner
part yang kotor (dirty parts)

Pada gambar diatas terlihat bahwa degreaser biasa tidak mampu untuk membersihkan kotoran. Bahkan cenderung akan meninggalkan noda (stain) pada permukaan logam.

Pada foto di bawah ini adalah ruang pencucian, terlihat bahwa kondisi besi telah berkarat dan kotor.

dirty chamber
Dirty Chamber, Rusty Parts

Kami menyarankan untuk menggunakan Vlot Chemicalien ALK 500. Setelah menggunakan water-based Vlot Chemicalien Alkaline Cleaner / Degreaser ALK-500. Dapat terlihat bahwa ruang pencucian perlahan-lahan menjadi bersih. Seperti foto dibawah ini:

degreaser in cleaning process
During usage, cleaning process

Pada awalnya logam menjadi keputihan karena karat yang menempel diproses secara ion. Namun setelah karat bersih, warna asli logam menjadi kembali bersih seperti pada mulanya. serta tidak berkarat kembali.

before & after treatment using degreaser ALK 500

Bisa terlihat pada foto diatas bahwa kotoran oli, grease yang melekat pada bracket rak untuk memegang spare parts pun menjadi sangat bersih. Tidak ada karat, serta menjadi warna asli.

Untuk hasil terbaik pada proses cleaning gunakanlah Vlot Chemicalien Water-based Degreaser / Alkaline Cleaner - ALK 500

Jika membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi tim marketing kami di no 021-75877088 atau email: enquiry@lancarejo.com


アルカリ性クリーナー/脱脂剤ALK 500の機能です。



dirty metal, degreaser, alkaline cleaner
part yang kotor (dirty parts)



dirty chamber
Dirty Chamber, Rusty Parts

最良の洗浄結果を得るために、Vlot Chemicalien ALK 500を水性アルカリ性クリーナーおよび脱脂剤として使用することをおすすめします。この製品を使用した後、以下の写真で見られるように、洗浄チャンバーは徐々にきれいになります。

degreaser in cleaning process
During usage, cleaning process


before & after treatment using degreaser ALK 500


クリーニングプロセスで最良の結果を得るには、Vlot Chemicalienの水性脱脂剤/アルカリ性クリーナーであるALK 500を使用してください


Articles for your reference

What Determines the Quality of Soluble Cutting Oil
The Effect of High-Quality Lubricant/Coolant on Your Machine
Solution to Industrial Rust Problems (Part 2)
Grinding Fluid Coolant
The STAMPING Process and Lubrication
How to Choose High-Quality Grinding Fluid/Coolant
Choosing the Right Coolant – Soluble Cutting Coolant or Neat Cutting Coolant
Soluble Oil Cutting Coolant Dilution Method
What is the difference between soluble cutting coolant & semi-synthetic cutting coolant?
The Problem of the Corrosion Industry (Part 1)
Solvent-based Rust Preventives
This is how good the quality of EDM Oil should be
How to Properly Use Grinding Fluid Coolant
The Benefits of Choosing and How to Choose Slideway Oil
What is Electrical Discharge Machining Oil?

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